Bator Selfwe
Bator Selfwe I don’t normally post pics of pro porn actors (not knowingly, anyway) but this shot has everything I love: Men, mutual masturbation, boners, smiles and unabashed pleasure. Just imagine this is you and a good friend relaxing together naked, sharing penis pleasure and feeling unconditionally good, unwaveringly shameless. “Let’s take a Selfie Selfie…
Admit to yourself…
Admit to yourself… masturbatorsanctum: Of course you like to masturbate ! Who doesn’t, really ? But have you ever deliberately acknowledged the fact ? Isn’t it time you made it known to you that you like to masturbate ? I hear you : you wonder why you should spill the beans. Simple : by bringing…
Examining the Pull of Group Masturbation Parties | VICE United States
Examining the Pull of Group Masturbation Parties | VICE United States A very good article on the phenomenon of JO clubs, with some nice perspective from an enthusiast in Australia. Unfortunately, this article does propagate the myth that HIV was responsible for JO clubs: “… Group masturbation clubs emerged in the 1980s, when public fear…
Masturbation Prevalence
Masturbation Prevalence Interesting article. I like it when the standard narrative is blown apart in favor of quantifiable facts… I would note that although it was a pretty good-sized sample, the face-to-face interview methodology may have had more impact on results than they estimated… And I like this morsel: “… In both genders, a sexless…
Fantasy I like this piece at salon.com about fantasy. I didn’t say I agree with all of it, but it’s a great piece to start a conversation about what our brains do with sex… And I especially disagree that National Masturbation Month is passé. I think the writer must live on one of those splendid…