Author: Paul Rosenberg

  • Is there a JO club in Palm Springs?

    By far, the one question I get more than any other is some variation of, “Is there a JO club in ____?” Clearly, there are a hell of a lot of guys who just want what JO clubs have to offer and when they find out about us their one response is, “Hell yes! Where do…

  • So you went to college in Central IL?

    Yep! Class of 1979, U of I in Champaign-Urbana. I guess that makes me an “Illini” or Illinus or Illinum… My degree was pretty much worthless, so I don’t bestow much credence on that fact, but yes. I’m from there. I have an applied fine arts degree in music (vocal performance). I also attended two…

  • Awake

    I feel as if I’ve just woken up from a long hibernation. I’m not sure what sparked it, but I’m hornier now than I’ve felt in a very long time. I’ve been healthy, I’ve been masturbating regularly, I’ve been playing with others as much as ever, I’ve been sleeping well… so maybe it’s just the…

  • Hiatus

    To all my followers and anyone curious about where the hell I’ve been, I just want to check in to let you know I am just over here, in the weeds. I’m taking a deliberate hiatus while the whirlwind of projects blows through. Look for me to emerge at the end of May. In the…

  • Touch

    It’s not really a secret, but there’s a certain tactic I employ at Jacks events that I learned while waiting tables for 20 years. It’s the “safe touch” tactic. It works like this. When a good waiter is experiencing a warm exchange with a table, when he likes the people and can tell they like…

  • Values

    [The following is letter I sent to a Yahoo group, a regional jackoff club that is very active and provides a connection and organizing resource for men to meet in groups and couples for JO. They exchange a dozen or so messages every day and reflect an enthusiastic community of masturbators. This letter was a…

  • Start

    I want more jack-off clubs to form and thrive all over the world. I make no secret of this desire. I love this community, the familiarity of energy at every JO club, the warmth, friendliness, the cock… Oh there is a lot of cock out there, and even a tiny fraction of them constitutes millions…

  • You know, I love seeing men masturbate, All kinds of guys get me off but DAMN, I wish there were more pics of mutual masturbators on tumblr…

  • Why

    One of the most fascinating pieces of Jacks culture regards the many assumptions surrounding why we jack off together. The most common assumption is that it’s all about “safe sex” and HIV. In other words, fear. There’s an idea that we’re afraid of getting HIV or transmitting HIV so we are essentially settling for this…

  • Heritage

    I’ve been digging through the old newsletters of the SF Jacks (San Francisco’s venerable JO club, most faithfully inspired by the NY Jacks) and I am so delighted by what I find there, though I have read it many times before. It is a fantastic window into the ‘80s and into one of the main…