I’ve tried to edge and i got to the point where i reach the point of no return. There has been a time where i did not fully ejaculated but enough came out until my dick went flaccid. Then i lose the feeling of completing. What am i doing wrong?

I’m not 100% sure what you’re asking here, but it sounds like a couple of things might be happening here. First, do you feel complete satisfaction when you masturbate simply to orgasm? Do you stop occasionally before you cum and wait a few seconds before you orgasm, or do you always just go straight to it?

Edging is simply stopping before you cum, waiting a few seconds or minutes and then resuming and repeating for a while. There’s a lot of variation beyond that simplicity, but in my amateur opinion, you should not try to go beyond what feels good. That goes for a lot of sex, but where edging is concerned, the goal is to feel really good and to prolong it.

Try to just edge a little, like for 5 minutes, just getting close, stopping before you cum and then resuming. Just do it for 5 minutes. If that feels too short, go for 10 minutes or 15 or 30. If you start to feel bored, just stroke your penis until you ejaculate.

What’s important is to just put your pleasure in the center of masturbation. More than anything, you’re doing it to feel good and it’s that simple!

On the other hand, if your orgasms don’t feel right most of the time, you should see a urologist and check it out. Make sure everything is is good working order.

We’re not all the same and most of the variation is just that: variation. We don’t all get off on the same speed, tightness, fantasies, duration, cadence, anything! We all take our own journeys as men who enjoy masturbation and it’s never good to measure your internal reality with the appearance or narratives of others. Keep practicing and find out feels really good to you. Maybe edging isn’t right for you. Nobody gets to make that determination but you.

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